Minecraft Achievement Guide: Atlantis?
Minecraft Bedrock Edition players earn the "Atlantis?" achievement upon finding an underwater ruin for the first time.
For centuries, denizens of the world have dreamed about the possibility of civilizations or cities that exist beneath the ocean.
One such city revolves around the myth of Atlantis, which is what this Minecraft Bedrock Achievement is named after.
Luckily for Minecraft players, there actually are ruins of sunken cities that can be found in the depths of the game's oceans.
These structures are known as ocean ruins or underwater ruins and are spawned into the game during the level-generation of each game world.
This article breaks down how Minecraft Bedrock Edition players can obtain the "Atlantis?" achievement in-game.
Minecraft Achievement Guide: Atlantis?
Obtaining the "Atlantis?" Minecraft Bedrock achievement requires players to locate an underwater ruin.
To accomplish this task, players will need to first have an understanding of what they are and where they can be located.
Ocean ruins come in two main variations in terms of weather: cold and warm.
Cold underwater ruins are generated in normal, cold and frozen ocean biomes. They also spawn in the deep variations of all previously listed biomes.
Warm ocean ruins are able to spawn in warm, lukewarm and deep lukewarm ocean biomes. Warm underwater ruin variations can be composed of both sandstone and stone building materials.
The size and structure type of each ocean ruin can drastically differ, with about 30% being large and 70% being small.
Most of the time ruins are found underwater, but they can be found on the surface nearby on rare occasions. Inside most of these structures, players can sometimes find chests that have some pretty terrific loot, which includes emeralds.
Drowned mobs can also be encountered near ocean ruins, which have the chance to drop the rare and powerful trident.
All this information is great, but it's time to get down to brass tacks. Minecraft Bedrock Edition players will need to find one of the correct ocean biomes where underwater ruins can occur.
To help with the biome-finding process, this guide shows players how to find most biomes in their own specific game world.
Minecraft Bedrock players who are specifically after this achievement can use the seed -2114581865 to spawn within close proximity of two different ocean ruins. This method should allow players to quickly get the achievement without much effort.
All a player will need to do is explore one of the ocean ruins, and the achievement "Atlantis?" will be earned.
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