Jeff Hardy's New TNA "Immortal" Championship
it looks like a masquerade mask wearing a bad thong! TNA needs to take a page out of WWE and ROH's book and learn how to make a good championship title like the WHC! and to that zeven zion girl you are a TNA sympathizer and you must be riding jeff hardy's dick because if you say that the new TNA title is sexy than little need your head examined because from the looks of that mess the WWE divas belt looks better than that peice of shit and i bet when WWE introduced the new SPINNER and unified tag titles you were on this site saying the same shit about the new wwe titles that i am saying about that laughable peice of shit you sheepsympathizers call a title! jeff hardy must be sharing his crack with TNA if they approved of that POS and he must be sharing some of it with you sheep and sympathizers including that zeven zion transvestite who is riding his dick!I SPEAK WHATEVER COMES UP IN MY MIND! I USED TO LOVE TNA WITH A PASSION!!!! BUT...WHEN THEY STARTED GETTING BORING I REVERTED BACK TO BEING A WWE FAN AND HAVEN'T LOOKED BACK! TNA CAN GET BETTER! BUT THEY WON'T BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO CHEAP! AND THEY ARE TALENTLESS!
"everytime someone bashes WWE Randy Orton Gives Them An RKO!"
"I Rather Watch WWE On Monday,Tuesday,Thursday And Friday Nights Instead Of Wasting My Time Watching
A Bunch Of Washed Up WWE Rejects On A Minor League Show On Thursday Nights"
"I Rather Committ Suicide Than To Sit In My Room And Watch 3 Hours Of Recycled And Copied Storylines From 1996-2008"
Elina Uphoff
Update: 2024-05-19