
How to reach a Treasure Island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons features many items to find and activities to complete. These in-game items are scattered throughout the game world, and a few of them are rather difficult for the player to get their hands on.

This scarcity can be solved to a certain extent by venturing into Treasure Islands, which host several rare resources for players to grab at their leisure, effectively bypassing all the grind one would normally need to obtain the said item in Animal Crossing. Treasure Islands are custom islands hosted by other players or a community, usually via an in-game modification involving a hacked Nintendo Switch.

This guide will detail how gamers can gain access to Treasure Islands in New Horizons.

Note: A Nintendo Switch Online membership and the specific Dodo code for the island of choice are needed as a prerequisite before attempting the rest of this guide.

Gaining access to a Treasure Island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Entering a Treasure Island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is relatively straightforward.

Gamers must head to Dodo’s Airlines, interact with Orville, and select the option to play online. Next, players must select the “Search via Dodo Code” option that pops up in the menu, input the Dodo Code for the island they wish to visit, and confirm their selection to travel to the said island.

Codes for these islands are usually hosted by most major Twitch streamers by searching for the keyword- treasure island. Pick an island at your leisure (preferably one not capped with visitors) and grab all the necessary items.

Some points to keep in mind when visiting a Treasure Island

Since these are public islands, players must keep the following guidelines in mind when visiting a Treasure Island:

  • Any unwanted items should be discarded using the trash cans instead of the pocket menu.
  • Patience is key to joining a Treasure Island. Since these islands attract many visitors, expect a long wait time.
  • Do not keep the pockets menu or Nook Phone open for extended periods of time, as it will obstruct the other players from leaving or entering.
  • Leave via the airport once you’re done. Using the (-) button to exit will kick everyone off the island instead.
  • While most islands are generous enough to offer their services for free, certain islands may require a fee through various third-party sites.
  • Always make sure to do your own research on the nature of these islands in order to avoid being potentially scammed.
  • As always, maintain proper etiquette and remain civil in online interactions.

Can this get me banned?

While gamers can rest easy knowing that the chances of a ban are relatively minuscule when using Treasure Islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the truth is we do not really know at the time of writing this article. Nintendo has not yet officially made any statements regarding the use of these services.

All players can really do is stay vigilant and avoid shady islands during their stay there.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on March 20, 2020.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-05-11