How to get Sweetened Mistress food
Old Tastes Die Hard is a World Quest in Genshin Impact that players can begin by talking to Mr. Zhu in Liyue. The task consists of gamers needing to cook 'Sweetened Mistress' and give it to the said NPC.
Completing the World Quest is easier than expected, and travelers can also learn how to cook a Sweetened Mistress as they complete the quest here.
How to make a Sweetened Mistress and complete Old Tastes Die Hard in Genshin Impact
Gamers can start Old Tastes Die Hard by talking to Mr. Zhu in an inn south of Guili Plains, Liyue. Mr. Zhu will ask players to cook a dish that he does not remember the name of, just referring to it as Sweetened Mistress.
Although the real recipe's name isn't revealed, Mr. Zhu did list down the ingredients required to cook it, which are a lot of Fowl and some Sweet Flowers.
Fowl can be obtained by hunting wild birds found around Teyvat. The easiest place new players can get this ingredient is from the Mondstadt Bridge. Any long-range Area of Effect (AOE) damage dealer character, such as Anemo Traveler, Venti, Ganyu, and Diluc, may kill these birds easily.
In a successful hunt from Mondstadt Bridge, players can collect up to eight Fowls. In Genshin Impact, this is the most likely location to find Fowl.
Sweet Flower is an ingredient commonly found in the wild all over Teyvat and purchased from Flora in Mondstadt. Flora sells one Sweet Flower for 200 Mora, and players can buy a maximum of 10 flowers every three days. Players who do not have any Sweet Flowers should buy at least two.
Once players collect those two ingredients, they can return to the inn location and use the pot to create the Sweetened Mistress, or more precisely: Sweet Madame. 2 Fowls and 2 Sweet Flowers are required to cook one Sweet Madame.
Once successfully cooked, talk to Mr. Zhu and give him the Sweet Madame to complete the quest. The reward one can obtain is a Zhongyuan Chop Suey recipe.
Zhongyuan Chop Suey is a 3-star dish, which decreases stamina used for all party members when the active character climbs or sprints by 15-25% for 900 seconds. It is very beneficial for new players to cook and consume this dish whenever they want to explore Liyue, as this place is vast and has a lot of mountains.
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