
Everything You Need To Know About Donald Trump's Alleged Mistress

In November 2016, only a few days before the Presidential election, The Wall Street Journal published an exposé, revealing that Donald Trump pulled some strings to prevent the story of his affair with Karen McDougal from becoming public. According to the article, McDougal was at some point attempting to sell the story of their alleged affair when Trump and his friend David Pecker, then CEO of American Media Inc. (AMI), caught wind of her plans. To contain the situation, The National Enquirer, a subsidiary of AMI, subsequently reached out to McDougal, striking an NDA deal to pay $150,000 in exchange for the story. In addition to the $150,000, McDougal was reportedly also offered two cover page features as well as a column in the magazine's wellness section — a contract that was only partially fulfilled. 

Given the NDA clause in their agreement, McDougal was for a long time unable to publicly discuss her alleged affair with the former president. "It took my rights away," she admitted to The New Yorker in 2018. "At this point, I feel I can't talk about anything without getting into trouble, because I don't know what I'm allowed to talk about. I'm afraid to even mention his name." Though McDougal was eventually freed from the contract in 2018, she has since retired from the spotlight, seemingly enjoying life away from the Trump drama.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-05-25